Newsletter 2

SmartHG Newsletter #2

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Energy Demand Aware Open Services for Smart Grid Intelligent Automation

SmartHG Newsletter #2

16 December 2013

Dear Visitor,


this is the second SmartHG Newsletter.
It contains news about the second year of the SmartHG Project.

October 2013: SmartHG on Energi magazine

October 2013: An interview to Rune Hylsberg Jacobsen and Lars Elmegaard about SmartHG has appeared on Energi magazine, the news magazine from the Danish energy trade association Dansk Energi.

October 2013: SmartHG presented at Conference on the Horizon 2020

October 2013: SmartHG has been presented at the Today’s challenges future solutions. Conference on the Horizon 2020 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The presentation slides can be found here.