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Author Title Year Publication Volume (down) Pages
Hayes, B; Hernando-Gil, I.; Collin, A.; Harrison, G.; Djokic, S. Optimal Power Flow for Maximizing Network Benefits From Demand-Side Management 2014 IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 1739-1747
Della Penna, Giuseppe; Intrigila, Benedetto; Magazzeni, Daniele; Melatti, Igor; Tronci, Enrico CGMurphi: Automatic synthesis of numerical controllers for nonlinear hybrid systems 2013 European Journal of Control 19 14-36
Levchenko, Sergei From Smart energy grids to Smart Cities 2012 Energy strategy n. 6 c. 23-27
Kuijpers, Ed; Carotenuto, Luigi; Malapert, Jean-Cristophe; Markov-Vetter, Daniela; Melatti, Igor; Orlandini, Andrea; Pinchuk, Ranni Collaboration on ISS Experiment Data and Knowledge Representation 2012 Proc. of IAC 2012 D.5.11
Mari, Federico; Melatti, Igor; Salvo, Ivano; Tronci, Enrico Synthesizing Control Software from Boolean Relations 2012 International Journal on Advances in Software vol. 5, nr 3&4 212-223
Levchenko, S. A.; Pluyta, S. V. Smart grids concept for sustainable development of Belarus energy system 2014 Proceedings of the National academy of sciences of Belarus 3 91-97
Mari, Federico; Melatti, Igor; Tronci, Enrico; Finzi, Alberto A multi-hop advertising discovery and delivering protocol for multi administrative domain MANET 2013 Mobile Information Systems 3 261-280
Alimguzhin, Vadim; Mari, Federico; Melatti, Igor; Salvo, Ivano; Tronci, Enrico Automatic Control Software Synthesis for Quantized Discrete Time Hybrid Systems 2012 Conference on Decision and Control, CDC
Mari, Federico; Melatti, Igor; Salvo, Ivano; Tronci, Enrico Linear Constraints as a Modeling Language for Discrete Time Hybrid Systems 2012 Proceedings of ICSEA 2012, The Seventh International Conference on Software Engineering Advances 664-671
Mari, Federico; Melatti, Igor; Salvo, Ivano; Tronci, Enrico Control Software Visualization 2012 Proceedings of INFOCOMP 2012, The Second International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation 15-20