SmartHG Services

The picture shows all services available for the SmartHG Platform universe. Links to all services follow the picture.

Links to SmartHG Services

You can use SmartHG services without any authentication by clicking on their names in the tables below (left-most column).

We supply also links to RESTful services, where present, since RESTful is used by SmartHG services for communication. In the following tables, we list the URLs of needed RESTful services, with or without authentication. If RESTful is not provided, it means that the corresponding service is not intended as a Software as a Service (SaaS). In particular, Home Services running in real-time on the HECH (EBR and EUMF-K) are not SaaS because their scope is limited to the HECH. See SmartHG Platform description for more details on services.

Grid Services

Grid REST-ful services require authentication for safety and privacy reasons, since they expose personal users information.
Only for reviewing purposes we have created a special user able to access to our REST-ful services. For being granted such kind of access contact the project coordinator.

Service Name RESTful
DAPP Demand-Aware Price Policies DAPP RESTful, authenticated
PPSV Price Policy Safety Verification PPSV RESTful, authenticated
EVT Electric Distribution Network Virtual Tomography EVT RESTful, authenticated
DB&A DataBase and Analytics – Only REST-ful service needed DB&A RESTful, authenticated

For giving an idea of consumptions stored in DB&A for our Svebølle test-bed, it is also possible to see anonymised sensors measurements (taken from DB&A) in web application HECH-K.

Home Services

Home REST-ful services does not require authentication, since they do not expose personal users information.

Service Name RESTful
EBR Energy Bill Reduction not needed
EUMF-K Energy Usage Modelling and Forecasting for Control not needed
EUMF-H Energy Usage Modelling and Forecasting for Homes EUMF-H RESTful
EUR-K Energy Usage Reduction for Control EUR-K RESTful
EUR-H Energy Usage Reduction for Homes EUR-H RESTful

Industrial Showcase

The following service contains sensible information on users of our test-beds, and it is property of Panoramic Power. For this reasons, it requires authentication. Each user has credentials and can access his own information.
Only for reviewing purposes we have created a special user able to look at statics on all test-beds. For being granted such kind of access contact the project coordinator.
More information on industrial showcase can be found in Showcase section.

PowerRadar Dashboard (Panoramic Power) for users in Svebølle (Kalundborg, Denmark) and Central District (Israel) Test-beds

Evaluation of SmartHG Platform

In our Technical Section, we also supply web applications for reading statistics on real data gathered from our test-beds and for understanding benefits of applying SmartHG technology to such data.